Guitar Lessons

Music has been our specialty since 1976.

Randy Marin


Mr. Randy Marin's music career began at the age of 8, his father was a musician since the early 1960's in Spanish conjuntos, Mr. Marin wanted to follow in his fathers foot steps by learning the guitar, his father told him that if he wanted to play the guitar that he would have to learn timing by learning the drums first, so he did, when he turned 9 years old, he begged his father for a guitar, so his father went and bought him one, and here he is today to pass on his skills.

Mr. Marin went on to master his craft and played in bands, toured all of south Texas. He has since retired from stage, but like he said "once music is in your blood, it never leaves".

Mr. Marin bought his first guitar in August of 1986 and to this day he still owns it.